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Circulaire actuelle Fortinos - Valable à partir du 01.06 au 07.06 - Page n° 9

Circulaire Fortinos 01.06.2023 - 07.06.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

ALLO n k Anne You can taste the difference! Enjoy Ontario asparagus while you can! e Harvested & shipped fresh daily to our stores e 1 field crop of the season e 92 local growers farm on 4000+ acres Asparagusis very good for youl e Only 20 calories per half cup serving e Excellent source of folate, Vitamin À & K e Significant source of antioxidants Donotovercook. Enjoy the crisp bite. e Ready in about 5 min on the BBQ, boiled, pan-fried or steamed e To prepare, simply wash & trim ends ONLINE 9

Derniéres circulaires

ALLO n k Anne You can taste the difference! Enjoy Ontario asparagus while you can! e Harvested & shipped fresh daily to our stores e 1 field crop of the season e 92 local growers farm on 4000+ acres Asparagusis very good for youl e Only 20 calories per half cup serving e Excellent source of folate, Vitamin À & K e Significant source of antioxidants Donotovercook. Enjoy the crisp bite. e Ready in about 5 min on the BBQ, boiled, pan-fried or steamed e To prepare, simply wash & trim ends ONLINE 9

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