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Circulaire actuelle The Brick - Valable à partir du 13.03 au 26.03 - Page n° 23

Circulaire The Brick 13.03.2025 - 26.03.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

BUY NOW. PAY LATER. Turn BIG purchases into SMALL payments. FlexitiCard _ LA flexiti VALUED CUSTOMER Flexible Financing Available with 0% Interest: Applying is a breeze. Get approved in minutes. = Pick the plan that's best for you. Choose between equal monthly payments or deferred payments with 0% interest* You can use it just like à regular credit card* TAXES, FEES, AND OTHER CHARGES ARE DUE AT TIME OF PURCHASE o Protect your payments With Simply Secure! — Pay online through your bank account. = The Brick FlexitiCard® is accepted at over 7,500 retail locations. Q) We give you time to pay with some of the longest terms in the industry. PLUS Feel at ease with no retroactive interest on your purchases at The Brick. Unlike other retailers, interest won't be backdated to your purchase date’ Get everything you need today to turn your house into a home. “OA. Subject 1o terms of the Feniti cardholder agreement. Arslabie plans depend on merchant and is-store conne shopping, Minimum product purchase af $250 [enchuding tanes) s required. dy available te Canadian resitents. Delerred payment - no interest. no pryments. 20 payments are required during 1e proms perisd. Interest at te cardbelder agreement annual interest rate (Account AR) accrues dan he promo period and mil be charges if he balance is not paid in ful by the promo engary date 6 the promo is cancelied due Lo payment defaut on the account. Équal senthiy payments — no interest. no isberest 3 payable durisg 1e prome period. Purchase is 0 be paid i equal month payments of principal pes payment prtectien isarance premiuns, fees, ad taues, d apphcabie. I any payment ss missed, all premo offers ca 1e account may be cascelleé and upon cancelltisn. interest wi be calculated at the Account AIR and à defrral fee of $52 99 - 529.93 may apgh India Accoont AR is disclesed upon appel, varies based on cardholéers credimorthiness at time af apglicatin, See out cument Fleti cardholder agreement. New Acccunt ARS are 31.99% - 34.99%. Any balance at te endof he promo period bears interest at Une Account AIR. Aëmin fees may 23h dependieg en be merchant, fee amounts ace based co pros terms length (sat appicable fer Quebec residents]. Anmaai fee of 539.93 appies fer residents sf Quebec and 524.99 may apply fer resideats of ctber provinces. No payments delesre plans are nat aradsble fer Quebec residents, bomever, other defered interest pemes may be available, varies by merchant. Regular Credit Purchase Interest-tree grace period of 21 days apple foc new standard revohing parchases 1haï appear en an account statement for the fest bine if te balance is paid in full by be payment due date. instant fiancing is coaditional upon 1D 22d en approved cred and valid email address requres Apphcatens may be subyect 9 à secondae, manual rewen Promos and terms may be changed mitheut notice Elgibéty for prsmatigas vanes mnt cardholéer creditthiaess. Financing provided by Feniti Financial. B.C. Licesce No. 83660. Fleuti, Fext/Caré and Fleuti Financial ar trademarks of lei Financial inc.

BUY NOW. PAY LATER. Turn BIG purchases into SMALL payments. FlexitiCard _ LA flexiti VALUED CUSTOMER Flexible Financing Available with 0% Interest: Applying is a breeze. Get approved in minutes. = Pick the plan that's best for you. Choose between equal monthly payments or deferred payments with 0% interest* You can use it just like à regular credit card* TAXES, FEES, AND OTHER CHARGES ARE DUE AT TIME OF PURCHASE o Protect your payments With Simply Secure! — Pay online through your bank account. = The Brick FlexitiCard® is accepted at over 7,500 retail locations. Q) We give you time to pay with some of the longest terms in the industry. PLUS Feel at ease with no retroactive interest on your purchases at The Brick. Unlike other retailers, interest won't be backdated to your purchase date’ Get everything you need today to turn your house into a home. “OA. Subject 1o terms of the Feniti cardholder agreement. Arslabie plans depend on merchant and is-store conne shopping, Minimum product purchase af $250 [enchuding tanes) s required. dy available te Canadian resitents. Delerred payment - no interest. no pryments. 20 payments are required during 1e proms perisd. Interest at te cardbelder agreement annual interest rate (Account AR) accrues dan he promo period and mil be charges if he balance is not paid in ful by the promo engary date 6 the promo is cancelied due Lo payment defaut on the account. Équal senthiy payments — no interest. no isberest 3 payable durisg 1e prome period. Purchase is 0 be paid i equal month payments of principal pes payment prtectien isarance premiuns, fees, ad taues, d apphcabie. I any payment ss missed, all premo offers ca 1e account may be cascelleé and upon cancelltisn. interest wi be calculated at the Account AIR and à defrral fee of $52 99 - 529.93 may apgh India Accoont AR is disclesed upon appel, varies based on cardholéers credimorthiness at time af apglicatin, See out cument Fleti cardholder agreement. New Acccunt ARS are 31.99% - 34.99%. Any balance at te endof he promo period bears interest at Une Account AIR. Aëmin fees may 23h dependieg en be merchant, fee amounts ace based co pros terms length (sat appicable fer Quebec residents]. Anmaai fee of 539.93 appies fer residents sf Quebec and 524.99 may apply fer resideats of ctber provinces. No payments delesre plans are nat aradsble fer Quebec residents, bomever, other defered interest pemes may be available, varies by merchant. Regular Credit Purchase Interest-tree grace period of 21 days apple foc new standard revohing parchases 1haï appear en an account statement for the fest bine if te balance is paid in full by be payment due date. instant fiancing is coaditional upon 1D 22d en approved cred and valid email address requres Apphcatens may be subyect 9 à secondae, manual rewen Promos and terms may be changed mitheut notice Elgibéty for prsmatigas vanes mnt cardholéer creditthiaess. Financing provided by Feniti Financial. B.C. Licesce No. 83660. Fleuti, Fext/Caré and Fleuti Financial ar trademarks of lei Financial inc.

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