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Circulaire actuelle The Brick - Valable à partir du 01.01 au 13.01 - Page n° 19

Circulaire The Brick 01.01.2025 - 13.01.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

BUY NOW. PAY LATER. Turn BIG purchases into SMALL payments. FlexitiCard XX, flexiti VALUED CUSTOMER Flexible Financing Available with 0% Interest: Applying is a breeze. Get approved in minutes: =) Pick the plan that's best for you. Choose between equal monthly payments or deferred payments with 0% interest* You can use it just like a regular credit card* TAXES, FEES, AND OTHER CHARGES ARE DUE AT TIME OF PURCHASE o Protect your payments with Simply Secure!" — Pay online through your bank account. = The Brick FlexitiCard® is accepted at over 7,500 retail locations. me We give you time to pay with some of the longest terms in the industry. PLUS Feel at ease with no retroactive interest on your purchases at The Brick. Unlike other retailers, interest won't be backdated to your purchase date: Get everything you need today to turn your house into a home. OAC. Subject 1e terms of the Feti cardhelder agreement. Available plans depend en merchant ed in-store or ocline shopping, Minimum product perchase of $250 lenclwding tanes) is required. Oniy araikable to Canadian residents. Deferred payment - mo interest, 20 payments: 00 payments are required during the promo period. lrterest at ne cardholées agreement annsal iterest rate (Account AIR) accrues during 1e premo period and will be charges if the balance is not paid in fall by the promo expiy date er if fe pesmo is cancelled due to payment default en the account. Equal manthiy payments — no interest. e interest is payable Gering the promo period. Purchase is to be paid in equal monthly payments of principal les payment protection insursace premiures. fees, and tanes, il applicable 1 ay payment is missed, al prono cfftes on the accoust may be cancelled and open cancelltion, interest mul be calcoisted at {he Account AG and à delerral ee ct $58.99 - 899.39 may spphy. Initial Accoust AR is ésclased upon approral, raries based on cardholder s crditmotthiness at time of application. Current Acceunt AR are 31.39% - 39.99% [35% fee residents ef Quebec). Any Balance at the end the promo period bears interest at the Account AUR. Admis fees may apply depending on the meschant. fee amounts are based où promo term length (not applicable tr Quebec residests). Anaual fee cf 533.99 apples fe residents c{ Quebec an4 524.99 may agph fc residents of other provinces. No payrments delesred plans are aot available lee Quebec résidents. bomewe, other deferreé interest promos may be avadable, rares by merchast Regular Crea Purchase. Intesest-lres Brèce period ef 21 days appies fer new stanéard revering parchases that appear ca an acceust statement fer the Éest lime she balance is paid in fuël by the payment due date. Instant Énancieg is condasnal upon ID and on approved credit 04 valid email s4dress required. Applications may be subject t à secondary, manual renien. Promas sad terres may be changed without acte. Egibiity for promos varies th carGhoider créditmerthiness. Financing provided by Feniti Financial B.C. Licence No. 89660. Fleni, FinitiCard and Flenti Financial are trademarks of Fleniti Financial ine.

Derniéres circulaires

BUY NOW. PAY LATER. Turn BIG purchases into SMALL payments. FlexitiCard XX, flexiti VALUED CUSTOMER Flexible Financing Available with 0% Interest: Applying is a breeze. Get approved in minutes: =) Pick the plan that's best for you. Choose between equal monthly payments or deferred payments with 0% interest* You can use it just like a regular credit card* TAXES, FEES, AND OTHER CHARGES ARE DUE AT TIME OF PURCHASE o Protect your payments with Simply Secure!" — Pay online through your bank account. = The Brick FlexitiCard® is accepted at over 7,500 retail locations. me We give you time to pay with some of the longest terms in the industry. PLUS Feel at ease with no retroactive interest on your purchases at The Brick. Unlike other retailers, interest won't be backdated to your purchase date: Get everything you need today to turn your house into a home. OAC. Subject 1e terms of the Feti cardhelder agreement. Available plans depend en merchant ed in-store or ocline shopping, Minimum product perchase of $250 lenclwding tanes) is required. Oniy araikable to Canadian residents. Deferred payment - mo interest, 20 payments: 00 payments are required during the promo period. lrterest at ne cardholées agreement annsal iterest rate (Account AIR) accrues during 1e premo period and will be charges if the balance is not paid in fall by the promo expiy date er if fe pesmo is cancelled due to payment default en the account. Equal manthiy payments — no interest. e interest is payable Gering the promo period. Purchase is to be paid in equal monthly payments of principal les payment protection insursace premiures. fees, and tanes, il applicable 1 ay payment is missed, al prono cfftes on the accoust may be cancelled and open cancelltion, interest mul be calcoisted at {he Account AG and à delerral ee ct $58.99 - 899.39 may spphy. Initial Accoust AR is ésclased upon approral, raries based on cardholder s crditmotthiness at time of application. Current Acceunt AR are 31.39% - 39.99% [35% fee residents ef Quebec). Any Balance at the end the promo period bears interest at the Account AUR. Admis fees may apply depending on the meschant. fee amounts are based où promo term length (not applicable tr Quebec residests). Anaual fee cf 533.99 apples fe residents c{ Quebec an4 524.99 may agph fc residents of other provinces. No payrments delesred plans are aot available lee Quebec résidents. bomewe, other deferreé interest promos may be avadable, rares by merchast Regular Crea Purchase. Intesest-lres Brèce period ef 21 days appies fer new stanéard revering parchases that appear ca an acceust statement fer the Éest lime she balance is paid in fuël by the payment due date. Instant Énancieg is condasnal upon ID and on approved credit 04 valid email s4dress required. Applications may be subject t à secondary, manual renien. Promas sad terres may be changed without acte. Egibiity for promos varies th carGhoider créditmerthiness. Financing provided by Feniti Financial B.C. Licence No. 89660. Fleni, FinitiCard and Flenti Financial are trademarks of Fleniti Financial ine.

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