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Circulaire actuelle Co-op Food - Valable à partir du 09.12 au 18.12 - Page n° 21

Circulaire Co-op Food 09.12.2023 - 18.12.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

(7) DG} SURFACTANT PACKAGING: 2 x10L to the leaf surface. Reduce TANK MIX OPTIONS: STORAGE: DEPOSITION AID: the DUUÈEE of drift prone drops … Surfactant DG can be mixed Avoid freezing. If frozen, bring Enhances adhesion of droplets by 50% with any spray solution to to room temperature and to the leaf surface APPLICATION RATE: reduce driftable fine droplets agitate DEPOSITION AID/DRIFT 80-120 ml/acre and most commonly used with TANK MIX ORDER: REDUCTION: (167-250 acres/case) glyphosate and glufosinate Under most situations add Enhances adheshion of droplets products. Surfactant DG as the last ingredient PROTIPS Apply at 80-100 ml/acre when spraying at 5 gal/acre Apply at 100-120 ml/acre when spraying at 10 gal/acre or more Designed to reduce the percentage of driftable fines without causing ultra-coarse droplets Low viscosity, will not thicken the spray mixture Last component added to the spray tank before filling with water WHEN TO CHOOSE SURFACTANT NI vs SURFACTANT DG URFACTANTS |

Derniéres circulaires

(7) DG} SURFACTANT PACKAGING: 2 x10L to the leaf surface. Reduce TANK MIX OPTIONS: STORAGE: DEPOSITION AID: the DUUÈEE of drift prone drops … Surfactant DG can be mixed Avoid freezing. If frozen, bring Enhances adhesion of droplets by 50% with any spray solution to to room temperature and to the leaf surface APPLICATION RATE: reduce driftable fine droplets agitate DEPOSITION AID/DRIFT 80-120 ml/acre and most commonly used with TANK MIX ORDER: REDUCTION: (167-250 acres/case) glyphosate and glufosinate Under most situations add Enhances adheshion of droplets products. Surfactant DG as the last ingredient PROTIPS Apply at 80-100 ml/acre when spraying at 5 gal/acre Apply at 100-120 ml/acre when spraying at 10 gal/acre or more Designed to reduce the percentage of driftable fines without causing ultra-coarse droplets Low viscosity, will not thicken the spray mixture Last component added to the spray tank before filling with water WHEN TO CHOOSE SURFACTANT NI vs SURFACTANT DG URFACTANTS |

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